Sunday, August 24, 2008

Thing 17 ELM

Boy, I wish I had access to ELM when I was teaching high school. I had a stand alone version of InfoTrac that ran on a 286 green screen that was updated yearly with the big old floppy disks. It is crazy how much things have changed in 15 years! Now I'm in the elementary and my goal is to use Infobits more this year. Most of my students idea of research it to go on the internet and Google it. It is great to have resources such as ELM and the encyclopedia subscriptions to show them.

I did go through most of the exercises for this thing. I tried to follow the updated directions for the rss feed. I could view the article lists, but was denied when I tried to access them. But, school is fast approaching and my goal is to finish before that starts, so oh well...

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